
class yasa.REMResults(events, data, sf, ch_names, hypno, data_filt)[source]

Output class for REMs detection.


Output detection dataframe


EOG data of shape (n_chan, n_samples), where the two channels are LOC and ROC.


Filtered EOG data of shape (n_chan, n_samples), where the two channels are LOC and ROC.


Sampling frequency of data.


Channel names (= ['LOC', 'ROC'])

_hypnoarray_like or None

Sleep staging vector.

__init__(events, data, sf, ch_names, hypno, data_filt)[source]


__init__(events, data, sf, ch_names, hypno, ...)

compare_channels([score, max_distance_sec])

Compare detected events across channels.

compare_detection(other[, max_distance_sec, ...])

Compare detected events between two detection methods, or against a ground-truth scoring.



Return a boolean array indicating for each sample in data if this sample is part of a detected event (True) or not (False).

get_sync_events([center, time_before, ...])

Return the raw or filtered data of each detected event after centering to a specific timepoint.

plot_average([center, time_before, ...])

Plot the average REM.


Plot an overlay of the detected events on the signal.

summary([grp_stage, mask, aggfunc, sort])

Return a summary of the REM detection, optionally grouped across stage.


Return a boolean array indicating for each sample in data if this sample is part of a detected event (True) or not (False).

get_sync_events(center='Peak', time_before=0.4, time_after=0.4, filt=(None, None), mask=None)[source]

Return the raw or filtered data of each detected event after centering to a specific timepoint.


Landmark of the event to synchronize the timing on. Default is to use the peak of the REM.


Time (in seconds) before center.


Time (in seconds) after center.


Optional filtering to apply to data. For instance, filt=(1, 30) will apply a 1 to 30 Hz bandpass filter, and filt=(None, 40) will apply a 40 Hz lowpass filter. Filtering is done using default parameters in the mne.filter.filter_data() function.

maskarray_like or None

Custom boolean mask. Only the detected events for which mask is True will be included. Default is None, i.e. no masking (all events are included).


Ouput long-format dataframe:

'Event' : Event number
'Time' : Timing of the events (in seconds)
'Amplitude' : Raw or filtered data for event
'Channel' : Channel
'IdxChannel' : Index of channel in data
plot_average(center='Peak', time_before=0.4, time_after=0.4, filt=(None, None), mask=None, figsize=(6, 4.5), **kwargs)[source]

Plot the average REM.


Landmark of the event to synchronize the timing on. Default is to use the peak of the REM.


Time (in seconds) before center.


Time (in seconds) after center.


Optional filtering to apply to data. For instance, filt=(1, 30) will apply a 1 to 30 Hz bandpass filter, and filt=(None, 40) will apply a 40 Hz lowpass filter. Filtering is done using default parameters in the mne.filter.filter_data() function.

maskarray_like or None

Custom boolean mask. Only the detected events for which mask is True will be included. Default is None, i.e. no masking (all events are included).


Figure size in inches.


Optional argument that are passed to seaborn.lineplot().

summary(grp_stage=False, mask=None, aggfunc='mean', sort=True)[source]

Return a summary of the REM detection, optionally grouped across stage.


If True, group by sleep stage (provided that an hypnogram was used).

maskarray_like or None

Custom boolean mask. Only the detected events for which mask is True will be included in the summary. Default is None, i.e. no masking (all events are included).

aggfuncstr or function

Averaging function (e.g. 'mean' or 'median').


If True, sort group keys when grouping.