Source code for yasa.spectral

This file contains several helper functions to calculate spectral power from
1D and 2D EEG data.
import mne
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from .io import set_log_level

logger = logging.getLogger("yasa")

__all__ = ["bandpower", "bandpower_from_psd", "bandpower_from_psd_ndarray", "irasa", "stft_power"]

[docs]def bandpower( data, sf=None, ch_names=None, hypno=None, include=(2, 3), win_sec=4, relative=True, bandpass=False, bands=[ (0.5, 4, "Delta"), (4, 8, "Theta"), (8, 12, "Alpha"), (12, 16, "Sigma"), (16, 30, "Beta"), (30, 40, "Gamma"), ], kwargs_welch=dict(average="median", window="hamming"), ): """ Calculate the Welch bandpower for each channel and, if specified, for each sleep stage. .. versionadded:: 0.1.6 Parameters ---------- data : np.array_like or :py:class:`` 1D or 2D EEG data. Can also be a :py:class:``, in which case ``data``, ``sf``, and ``ch_names`` will be automatically extracted, and ``data`` will also be converted from Volts (MNE default) to micro-Volts (YASA). sf : float The sampling frequency of data AND the hypnogram. Can be omitted if ``data`` is a :py:class:``. ch_names : list List of channel names, e.g. ['Cz', 'F3', 'F4', ...]. If None, channels will be labelled ['CHAN000', 'CHAN001', ...]. Can be omitted if ``data`` is a :py:class:``. hypno : array_like Sleep stage (hypnogram). If the hypnogram is loaded, the bandpower will be extracted for each sleep stage defined in ``include``. The hypnogram must have the exact same number of samples as ``data``. To upsample your hypnogram, please refer to :py:func:`yasa.hypno_upsample_to_data`. .. note:: The default hypnogram format in YASA is a 1D integer vector where: - -2 = Unscored - -1 = Artefact / Movement - 0 = Wake - 1 = N1 sleep - 2 = N2 sleep - 3 = N3 sleep - 4 = REM sleep include : tuple, list or int Values in ``hypno`` that will be included in the mask. The default is (2, 3), meaning that the bandpower are sequentially calculated for N2 and N3 sleep. This has no effect when ``hypno`` is None. win_sec : int or float The length of the sliding window, in seconds, used for the Welch PSD calculation. Ideally, this should be at least two times the inverse of the lower frequency of interest (e.g. for a lower frequency of interest of 0.5 Hz, the window length should be at least 2 * 1 / 0.5 = 4 seconds). relative : boolean If True, bandpower is divided by the total power between the min and max frequencies defined in ``band``. bandpass : boolean If True, apply a standard FIR bandpass filter using the minimum and maximum frequencies in ``bands``. Fore more details, refer to :py:func:`mne.filter.filter_data`. bands : list of tuples List of frequency bands of interests. Each tuple must contain the lower and upper frequencies, as well as the band name (e.g. (0.5, 4, 'Delta')). kwargs_welch : dict Optional keywords arguments that are passed to the :py:func:`scipy.signal.welch` function. Returns ------- bandpowers : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` Bandpower dataframe, in which each row is a channel and each column a spectral band. Notes ----- For an example of how to use this function, please refer to """ # Type checks assert isinstance(bands, list), "bands must be a list of tuple(s)" assert isinstance(relative, bool), "relative must be a boolean" assert isinstance(bandpass, bool), "bandpass must be a boolean" # Check if input data is a MNE Raw object if isinstance(data, sf =["sfreq"] # Extract sampling frequency ch_names = data.ch_names # Extract channel names data = data.get_data(units=dict(eeg="uV", emg="uV", eog="uV", ecg="uV")) _, npts = data.shape else: # Safety checks assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "Data must be a numpy array." data = np.atleast_2d(data) assert data.ndim == 2, "Data must be of shape (nchan, n_samples)." nchan, npts = data.shape # assert nchan < npts, 'Data must be of shape (nchan, n_samples).' assert sf is not None, "sf must be specified if passing a numpy array." assert isinstance(sf, (int, float)) if ch_names is None: ch_names = ["CHAN" + str(i).zfill(3) for i in range(nchan)] else: ch_names = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(ch_names, dtype=str)) assert ch_names.ndim == 1, "ch_names must be 1D." assert len(ch_names) == nchan, "ch_names must match data.shape[0]." if bandpass: # Apply FIR bandpass filter all_freqs = np.hstack([[b[0], b[1]] for b in bands]) fmin, fmax = min(all_freqs), max(all_freqs) data = mne.filter.filter_data(data.astype("float64"), sf, fmin, fmax, verbose=0) win = int(win_sec * sf) # nperseg if hypno is None: # Calculate the PSD over the whole data freqs, psd = signal.welch(data, sf, nperseg=win, **kwargs_welch) return bandpower_from_psd(psd, freqs, ch_names, bands=bands, relative=relative).set_index( "Chan" ) else: # Per each sleep stage defined in ``include``. hypno = np.asarray(hypno) assert include is not None, "include cannot be None if hypno is given" include = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(include)) assert hypno.ndim == 1, "Hypno must be a 1D array." assert hypno.size == npts, "Hypno must have same size as data.shape[1]" assert include.size >= 1, "`include` must have at least one element." assert hypno.dtype.kind == include.dtype.kind, "hypno and include must have same dtype" assert np.in1d( hypno, include ).any(), "None of the stages specified in `include` are present in hypno." # Initialize empty dataframe and loop over stages df_bp = pd.DataFrame([]) for stage in include: if stage not in hypno: continue data_stage = data[:, hypno == stage] freqs, psd = signal.welch(data_stage, sf, nperseg=win, **kwargs_welch) bp_stage = bandpower_from_psd(psd, freqs, ch_names, bands=bands, relative=relative) bp_stage["Stage"] = stage df_bp = pd.concat([df_bp, bp_stage], axis=0) return df_bp.set_index(["Stage", "Chan"])
[docs]def bandpower_from_psd( psd, freqs, ch_names=None, bands=[ (0.5, 4, "Delta"), (4, 8, "Theta"), (8, 12, "Alpha"), (12, 16, "Sigma"), (16, 30, "Beta"), (30, 40, "Gamma"), ], relative=True, ): """Compute the average power of the EEG in specified frequency band(s) given a pre-computed PSD. .. versionadded:: 0.1.5 Parameters ---------- psd : array_like Power spectral density of data, in uV^2/Hz. Must be of shape (n_channels, n_freqs). See :py:func:`scipy.signal.welch` for more details. freqs : array_like Array of frequencies. ch_names : list List of channel names, e.g. ['Cz', 'F3', 'F4', ...]. If None, channels will be labelled ['CHAN000', 'CHAN001', ...]. bands : list of tuples List of frequency bands of interests. Each tuple must contain the lower and upper frequencies, as well as the band name (e.g. (0.5, 4, 'Delta')). relative : boolean If True, bandpower is divided by the total power between the min and max frequencies defined in ``band`` (default 0.5 to 40 Hz). Returns ------- bandpowers : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` Bandpower dataframe, in which each row is a channel and each column a spectral band. """ # Type checks assert isinstance(bands, list), "bands must be a list of tuple(s)" assert isinstance(relative, bool), "relative must be a boolean" # Safety checks freqs = np.asarray(freqs) assert freqs.ndim == 1 psd = np.atleast_2d(psd) assert psd.ndim == 2, "PSD must be of shape (n_channels, n_freqs)." all_freqs = np.hstack([[b[0], b[1]] for b in bands]) fmin, fmax = min(all_freqs), max(all_freqs) idx_good_freq = np.logical_and(freqs >= fmin, freqs <= fmax) freqs = freqs[idx_good_freq] res = freqs[1] - freqs[0] nchan = psd.shape[0] assert nchan < psd.shape[1], "PSD must be of shape (n_channels, n_freqs)." if ch_names is not None: ch_names = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(ch_names, dtype=str)) assert ch_names.ndim == 1, "ch_names must be 1D." assert len(ch_names) == nchan, "ch_names must match psd.shape[0]." else: ch_names = ["CHAN" + str(i).zfill(3) for i in range(nchan)] bp = np.zeros((nchan, len(bands)), dtype=np.float64) psd = psd[:, idx_good_freq] total_power = simps(psd, dx=res) total_power = total_power[..., np.newaxis] # Check if there are negative values in PSD if (psd < 0).any(): msg = ( "There are negative values in PSD. This will result in incorrect " "bandpower values. We highly recommend working with an " "all-positive PSD. For more details, please refer to: " "" ) logger.warning(msg) # Enumerate over the frequency bands labels = [] for i, band in enumerate(bands): b0, b1, la = band labels.append(la) idx_band = np.logical_and(freqs >= b0, freqs <= b1) bp[:, i] = simps(psd[:, idx_band], dx=res) if relative: bp /= total_power # Convert to DataFrame bp = pd.DataFrame(bp, columns=labels) bp["TotalAbsPow"] = np.squeeze(total_power) bp["FreqRes"] = res # bp['WindowSec'] = 1 / res bp["Relative"] = relative bp["Chan"] = ch_names bp = bp.set_index("Chan").reset_index() # Add hidden attributes bp.bands_ = str(bands) return bp
[docs]def bandpower_from_psd_ndarray( psd, freqs, bands=[ (0.5, 4, "Delta"), (4, 8, "Theta"), (8, 12, "Alpha"), (12, 16, "Sigma"), (16, 30, "Beta"), (30, 40, "Gamma"), ], relative=True, ): """Compute bandpowers in N-dimensional PSD. This is a NumPy-only implementation of the :py:func:`yasa.bandpower_from_psd` function, which supports 1-D arrays of shape (n_freqs), or N-dimensional arays (e.g. 2-D (n_chan, n_freqs) or 3-D (n_chan, n_epochs, n_freqs)) .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Parameters ---------- psd : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Power spectral density of data, in uV^2/Hz. Must be a N-D array of shape (..., n_freqs). See :py:func:`scipy.signal.welch` for more details. freqs : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of frequencies. Must be a 1-D array of shape (n_freqs,) bands : list of tuples List of frequency bands of interests. Each tuple must contain the lower and upper frequencies, as well as the band name (e.g. (0.5, 4, 'Delta')). relative : boolean If True, bandpower is divided by the total power between the min and max frequencies defined in ``band`` (default 0.5 to 40 Hz). Returns ------- bandpowers : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Bandpower array of shape *(n_bands, ...)*. """ # Type checks assert isinstance(bands, list), "bands must be a list of tuple(s)" assert isinstance(relative, bool), "relative must be a boolean" # Safety checks freqs = np.asarray(freqs) psd = np.asarray(psd) assert freqs.ndim == 1, "freqs must be a 1-D array of shape (n_freqs,)" assert psd.shape[-1] == freqs.shape[-1], "n_freqs must be last axis of psd" # Extract frequencies of interest all_freqs = np.hstack([[b[0], b[1]] for b in bands]) fmin, fmax = min(all_freqs), max(all_freqs) idx_good_freq = np.logical_and(freqs >= fmin, freqs <= fmax) freqs = freqs[idx_good_freq] res = freqs[1] - freqs[0] # Trim PSD to frequencies of interest psd = psd[..., idx_good_freq] # Check if there are negative values in PSD if (psd < 0).any(): msg = ( "There are negative values in PSD. This will result in incorrect " "bandpower values. We highly recommend working with an " "all-positive PSD. For more details, please refer to: " "" ) logger.warning(msg) # Calculate total power total_power = simps(psd, dx=res, axis=-1) total_power = total_power[np.newaxis, ...] # Initialize empty array bp = np.zeros((len(bands), *psd.shape[:-1]), dtype=np.float64) # Enumerate over the frequency bands labels = [] for i, band in enumerate(bands): b0, b1, la = band labels.append(la) idx_band = np.logical_and(freqs >= b0, freqs <= b1) bp[i] = simps(psd[..., idx_band], dx=res, axis=-1) if relative: bp /= total_power return bp
[docs]def irasa( data, sf=None, ch_names=None, band=(1, 30), hset=[ 1.1, 1.15, 1.2, 1.25, 1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.45, 1.5, 1.55, 1.6, 1.65, 1.7, 1.75, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9, ], return_fit=True, win_sec=4, kwargs_welch=dict(average="median", window="hamming"), verbose=True, ): r""" Separate the aperiodic (= fractal, or 1/f) and oscillatory component of the power spectra of EEG data using the IRASA method. .. versionadded:: 0.1.7 Parameters ---------- data : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`` 1D or 2D EEG data. Can also be a :py:class:``, in which case ``data``, ``sf``, and ``ch_names`` will be automatically extracted, and ``data`` will also be converted from Volts (MNE default) to micro-Volts (YASA). sf : float The sampling frequency of data AND the hypnogram. Can be omitted if ``data`` is a :py:class:``. ch_names : list List of channel names, e.g. ['Cz', 'F3', 'F4', ...]. If None, channels will be labelled ['CHAN000', 'CHAN001', ...]. Can be omitted if ``data`` is a :py:class:``. band : tuple or None Broad band frequency range. Default is 1 to 30 Hz. hset : list or :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Resampling factors used in IRASA calculation. Default is to use a range of values from 1.1 to 1.9 with an increment of 0.05. return_fit : boolean If True (default), fit an exponential function to the aperiodic PSD and return the fit parameters (intercept, slope) and :math:`R^2` of the fit. The aperiodic signal, :math:`L`, is modeled using an exponential function in semilog-power space (linear frequencies and log PSD) as: .. math:: L = a + \text{log}(F^b) where :math:`a` is the intercept, :math:`b` is the slope, and :math:`F` the vector of input frequencies. win_sec : int or float The length of the sliding window, in seconds, used for the Welch PSD calculation. Ideally, this should be at least two times the inverse of the lower frequency of interest (e.g. for a lower frequency of interest of 0.5 Hz, the window length should be at least 2 * 1 / 0.5 = 4 seconds). kwargs_welch : dict Optional keywords arguments that are passed to the :py:func:`scipy.signal.welch` function. verbose : bool or str Verbose level. Default (False) will only print warning and error messages. The logging levels are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', and 'critical'. For most users the choice is between 'info' (or ``verbose=True``) and warning (``verbose=False``). Returns ------- freqs : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Frequency vector. psd_aperiodic : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The fractal (= aperiodic) component of the PSD. psd_oscillatory : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The oscillatory (= periodic) component of the PSD. fit_params : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` (optional) Dataframe of fit parameters. Only if ``return_fit=True``. Notes ----- The Irregular-Resampling Auto-Spectral Analysis (IRASA) method is described in Wen & Liu (2016). In a nutshell, the goal is to separate the fractal and oscillatory components in the power spectrum of EEG signals. The steps are: 1. Compute the original power spectral density (PSD) using Welch's method. 2. Resample the EEG data by multiple non-integer factors and their reciprocals (:math:`h` and :math:`1/h`). 3. For every pair of resampled signals, calculate the PSD and take the geometric mean of both. In the resulting PSD, the power associated with the oscillatory component is redistributed away from its original (fundamental and harmonic) frequencies by a frequency offset that varies with the resampling factor, whereas the power solely attributed to the fractal component remains the same power-law statistical distribution independent of the resampling factor. 4. It follows that taking the median of the PSD of the variously resampled signals can extract the power spectrum of the fractal component, and the difference between the original power spectrum and the extracted fractal spectrum offers an approximate estimate of the power spectrum of the oscillatory component. Note that an estimate of the original PSD can be calculated by simply adding ``psd = psd_aperiodic + psd_oscillatory``. For an example of how to use this function, please refer to For an article discussing the challenges of using IRASA (or fooof) see [5]. References ---------- [1] Wen, H., & Liu, Z. (2016). Separating Fractal and Oscillatory Components in the Power Spectrum of Neurophysiological Signal. Brain Topography, 29(1), 13–26. [2] [3] [4] [5] """ import fractions set_log_level(verbose) # Check if input data is a MNE Raw object if isinstance(data, sf =["sfreq"] # Extract sampling frequency ch_names = data.ch_names # Extract channel names hp =["highpass"] # Extract highpass filter lp =["lowpass"] # Extract lowpass filter data = data.get_data(units=dict(eeg="uV", emg="uV", eog="uV", ecg="uV")) else: # Safety checks assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray), "Data must be a numpy array." data = np.atleast_2d(data) assert data.ndim == 2, "Data must be of shape (nchan, n_samples)." nchan, npts = data.shape assert nchan < npts, "Data must be of shape (nchan, n_samples)." assert sf is not None, "sf must be specified if passing a numpy array." assert isinstance(sf, (int, float)) if ch_names is None: ch_names = ["CHAN" + str(i).zfill(3) for i in range(nchan)] else: ch_names = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(ch_names, dtype=str)) assert ch_names.ndim == 1, "ch_names must be 1D." assert len(ch_names) == nchan, "ch_names must match data.shape[0]." hp = 0 # Highpass filter unknown -> set to 0 Hz lp = sf / 2 # Lowpass filter unknown -> set to Nyquist # Check the other arguments hset = np.asarray(hset) assert hset.ndim == 1, "hset must be 1D." assert hset.size > 1, "2 or more resampling fators are required." hset = np.round(hset, 4) # avoid float precision error with np.arange. band = sorted(band) assert band[0] > 0, "first element of band must be > 0." assert band[1] < (sf / 2), "second element of band must be < (sf / 2)." win = int(win_sec * sf) # nperseg # Inform about maximum resampled fitting range h_max = np.max(hset) band_evaluated = (band[0] / h_max, band[1] * h_max) freq_Nyq = sf / 2 # Nyquist frequency freq_Nyq_res = freq_Nyq / h_max # minimum resampled Nyquist frequency"Fitting range: {band[0]:.2f}Hz-{band[1]:.2f}Hz")"Evaluated frequency range: {band_evaluated[0]:.2f}Hz-{band_evaluated[1]:.2f}Hz") if band_evaluated[0] < hp: logging.warning( "The evaluated frequency range starts below the " f"highpass filter ({hp:.2f}Hz). Increase the lower band" f" ({band[0]:.2f}Hz) or decrease the maximum value of " f"the hset ({h_max:.2f})." ) if band_evaluated[1] > lp and lp < freq_Nyq_res: logging.warning( "The evaluated frequency range ends after the " f"lowpass filter ({lp:.2f}Hz). Decrease the upper band" f" ({band[1]:.2f}Hz) or decrease the maximum value of " f"the hset ({h_max:.2f})." ) if band_evaluated[1] > freq_Nyq_res: logging.warning( "The evaluated frequency range ends after the " "resampled Nyquist frequency " f"({freq_Nyq_res:.2f}Hz). Decrease the upper band " f"({band[1]:.2f}Hz) or decrease the maximum value " f"of the hset ({h_max:.2f})." ) # Calculate the original PSD over the whole data freqs, psd = signal.welch(data, sf, nperseg=win, **kwargs_welch) # Start the IRASA procedure psds = np.zeros((len(hset), *psd.shape)) for i, h in enumerate(hset): # Get the upsampling/downsampling (h, 1/h) factors as integer rat = fractions.Fraction(str(h)) up, down = rat.numerator, rat.denominator # Much faster than FFT-based resampling data_up = signal.resample_poly(data, up, down, axis=-1) data_down = signal.resample_poly(data, down, up, axis=-1) # Calculate the PSD using same params as original freqs_up, psd_up = signal.welch(data_up, h * sf, nperseg=win, **kwargs_welch) freqs_dw, psd_dw = signal.welch(data_down, sf / h, nperseg=win, **kwargs_welch) # Geometric mean of h and 1/h psds[i, :] = np.sqrt(psd_up * psd_dw) # Now we take the median PSD of all the resampling factors, which gives # a good estimate of the aperiodic component of the PSD. psd_aperiodic = np.median(psds, axis=0) # We can now calculate the oscillations (= periodic) component. psd_osc = psd - psd_aperiodic # Let's crop to the frequencies defined in band mask_freqs =, *band).mask freqs = freqs[~mask_freqs] psd_aperiodic = np.compress(~mask_freqs, psd_aperiodic, axis=-1) psd_osc = np.compress(~mask_freqs, psd_osc, axis=-1) if return_fit: # Aperiodic fit in semilog space for each channel from scipy.optimize import curve_fit intercepts, slopes, r_squared = [], [], [] def func(t, a, b): # See return a + np.log(t**b) for y in np.atleast_2d(psd_aperiodic): y_log = np.log(y) # Note that here we define bounds for the slope but not for the # intercept. popt, pcov = curve_fit( func, freqs, y_log, p0=(2, -1), bounds=((-np.inf, -10), (np.inf, 2)) ) intercepts.append(popt[0]) slopes.append(popt[1]) # Calculate R^2: residuals = y_log - func(freqs, *popt) ss_res = np.sum(residuals**2) ss_tot = np.sum((y_log - np.mean(y_log)) ** 2) r_squared.append(1 - (ss_res / ss_tot)) # Create fit parameters dataframe fit_params = { "Chan": ch_names, "Intercept": intercepts, "Slope": slopes, "R^2": r_squared, "std(osc)": np.std(psd_osc, axis=-1, ddof=1), } return freqs, psd_aperiodic, psd_osc, pd.DataFrame(fit_params) else: return freqs, psd_aperiodic, psd_osc
[docs]def stft_power(data, sf, window=2, step=0.2, band=(1, 30), interp=True, norm=False): """Compute the pointwise power via STFT and interpolation. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Single-channel data. sf : float Sampling frequency of the data. window : int Window size in seconds for STFT. 2 or 4 seconds are usually a good default. Higher values = higher frequency resolution = lower time resolution. step : int Step in seconds for the STFT. A step of 0.2 second (200 ms) is usually a good default. * If ``step`` == 0, overlap at every sample (slowest) * If ``step`` == nperseg, no overlap (fastest) Higher values = higher precision = slower computation. band : tuple or None Broad band frequency range. Default is 1 to 30 Hz. interp : boolean If True, a cubic interpolation is performed to ensure that the output is the same size as the input (= pointwise power). norm : bool If True, return bandwise normalized band power, i.e. for each time point, the sum of power in all the frequency bins equals 1. Returns ------- f : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Frequency vector t : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Time vector Sxx : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Power in the specified frequency bins of shape (f, t) Notes ----- 2D Interpolation is done using :py:class:`scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` which is much faster than :py:class:`scipy.interpolate.interp2d` for a rectangular grid. The default is to use a bivariate spline with 3 degrees. """ # Safety check data = np.asarray(data) assert step <= window step = 1 / sf if step == 0 else step # Define STFT parameters nperseg = int(window * sf) noverlap = int(nperseg - (step * sf)) # Compute STFT and remove the last epoch f, t, Sxx = signal.stft( data, sf, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, detrend=False, padded=True ) # Let's keep only the frequency of interest if band is not None: idx_band = np.logical_and(f >= band[0], f <= band[1]) f = f[idx_band] Sxx = Sxx[idx_band, :] # Compute power and interpolate Sxx = np.square(np.abs(Sxx)) if interp: func = RectBivariateSpline(f, t, Sxx) t = np.arange(data.size) / sf Sxx = func(f, t) # Normalize if norm: sum_pow = Sxx.sum(0).reshape(1, -1) np.divide(Sxx, sum_pow, out=Sxx) return f, t, Sxx