Source code for yasa.heart

ECG-based functions.

Author: Dr Raphael Vallat <>, UC Berkeley.
Date: May 2022
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .hypno import hypno_find_periods
from .detection import _check_data_hypno
from .io import set_log_level, is_sleepecg_installed

logger = logging.getLogger("yasa")

__all__ = ["hrv_stage"]

[docs]def hrv_stage( data, sf, *, hypno=None, include=(2, 3, 4), threshold="2min", equal_length=False, rr_limit=(400, 2000), verbose=False, ): """Calculate heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) features from an ECG. By default, the cardiac features are calculated for each period of N2, N3 or REM sleep that are longer than 2 minutes. .. versionadded:: 0.6.2 Parameters ---------- data : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Single-channel ECG data. Must be a 1D NumPy array. sf : float The sampling frequency of the data. hypno : array_like Sleep stage (hypnogram). The heart rate calculation will be applied for each sleep stage defined in ``include`` (default = N2, N3 and REM sleep separately). The hypnogram must have the same number of samples as ``data``. To upsample your hypnogram, please refer to :py:func:`yasa.hypno_upsample_to_data`. .. note:: The default hypnogram format in YASA is a 1D integer vector where: - -2 = Unscored - -1 = Artefact / Movement - 0 = Wake - 1 = N1 sleep - 2 = N2 sleep - 3 = N3 sleep - 4 = REM sleep include : tuple, list or int Values in ``hypno`` that will be included in the mask. The default is (2, 3, 4), meaning that the detection is applied on N2, N3 and REM sleep separately. threshold : str Only periods of a given stage that exceed the duration defined in ``threshold`` will be kept in subsequent analysis. The default is 2 minutes ('2min'). Other possible values include: '5min', '15min', '30sec', '1hour', etc. To disable thresholding, use '0min'. equal_length : bool If True, the periods will all have the exact duration defined in ``threshold``. That is, periods that are longer than the duration threshold will be divided into sub-periods of exactly the length of threshold. rr_limit : tuple Lower and upper limit for the RR interval. Default is 400 to 2000 ms, corresponding to a heart rate of 30 to 150 bpm. RR intervals outside this range will be set to NaN and filled with linear interpolation. Use ``rr_limit=(0, np.inf)`` to disable RR correction. verbose : bool or str Verbose level. Default (False) will only print warning and error messages. The logging levels are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', and 'critical'. For most users the choice is between 'info' (or ``verbose=True``) and warning (``verbose=False``). Set this to True if you are getting invalid results and want to better understand what is happening. Returns ------- epochs : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` Output dataframe with values (= the sleep stages defined in ``include``) and epoch number as index. The columns are * ``start`` : The start of the epoch, in seconds from the beginning of the recording. * ``duration`` : The duration of the epoch, in seconds. * ``hr_mean``: The mean heart rate (HR) across the epoch, in beats per minute (bpm). * ``hr_std``: The standard deviation of the HR across the epoch, in bpm * ``hrv_rmssd``: Heart rate variability across the epoch (RMSSD), in milliseconds. rpeaks : dict A dictionary with the detected heartbeats (R-peaks) indices for each epoch of each stage. Indices are expressed as samples from the beginning of the epoch. This can be used to manually recalculate the RR intervals, apply a custom preprocessing on the RR intervals, and/or calculate more advanced HRV metrics. Notes ----- This function returns three cardiac features for each epoch: the mean and standard deviation of the heart rate, and the root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats (RMSSD). The RMSSD reflects the beat-to-beat variance in HR and is the primary time-domain measure used to estimate the vagally mediated changes reflected in heart rate variability. Heartbeat detection is performed with the SleepECG library: For an example of this function, please see the `Jupyter notebook <>`_ References ---------- * Shaffer, F., & Ginsberg, J. P. (2017). An overview of heart rate variability metrics and norms. Frontiers in public health, 258. """ set_log_level(verbose) is_sleepecg_installed() from sleepecg import detect_heartbeats if isinstance(hypno, type(None)): logger.warning( "No hypnogram was passed. The entire recording will be used, i.e. " "hypno will be set to np.zeros(data.size) and include will be set to 0." ) data = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.float64) hypno = np.zeros(max(data.shape), dtype=int) include = 0 # Safety check (data, sf, _, hypno, include, _, n_chan, n_samples, _) = _check_data_hypno( data, sf, None, hypno, include, check_amp=False ) assert n_chan == 1, "data must be a 1D ECG array." data = np.squeeze(data) # Find periods of equal duration epochs = hypno_find_periods(hypno, sf, threshold=threshold, equal_length=equal_length) assert epochs.shape[0] > 0, f"No epochs longer than {threshold} found in hypnogram." epochs = epochs[epochs["values"].isin(include)].reset_index(drop=True) # Sort by stage and add epoch number epochs = epochs.sort_values(by=["values", "start"]) epochs["epoch"] = epochs.groupby("values")["start"].transform(lambda x: range(len(x))) epochs = epochs.set_index(["values", "epoch"]) # Loop over epochs rpeaks = {} for idx in epochs.index: start = epochs.loc[idx, "start"] duration = epochs.loc[idx, "length"] end = int(epochs.loc[idx, "start"] + duration) # Detect R-peaks try: pks = detect_heartbeats(data[start:end], fs=sf) except Exception as e:"Heartbeat detection failed for epoch {idx[1]} of stage {idx[0]}: {e}") continue # Save rpeaks to dict rpeaks[idx] = pks # If not enough R-peaks were detected, skip epochs and return NaN # Here, we assume a minimal HR of 30 bpm constant_hr = 60 * (pks.size / (duration / sf)) if constant_hr < 30:"Too few detected heartbeats in epoch {idx[1]} of stage {idx[0]}.") continue # Find and correct RR intervals. Default is 400 ms (150 bpm) to 2000 ms (30 bpm) rri = 1000 * np.diff(pks) / sf rri =, rr_limit[0], rr_limit[1]).filled(np.nan) # Interpolate NaN values, but no more than 10 consecutive values if np.isnan(rri).any(): rri = pd.Series(rri).interpolate(limit_direction="both", limit=10).to_numpy() if np.isnan(rri).any(): # If there are still NaN present, skip current epoch"Invalid RR intervals in epoch {idx[1]} of stage {idx[0]}.") continue # Heart rate hr = 60000 / rri epochs.loc[idx, "hr_mean"] = np.mean(hr) epochs.loc[idx, "hr_std"] = np.std(hr, ddof=1) epochs.loc[idx, "hrv_rmssd"] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.diff(rri) ** 2)) # Convert start and duration to seconds epochs["start"] /= sf epochs["length"] /= sf epochs = epochs.rename(columns={"length": "duration"}) return epochs, rpeaks